Is your business converting traffic into sales on auto-pilot? If not, learn how you can …

Convert More Sales & Boost Cash Flow Fast With My Sales Letter Template That’s Made Millions!

Right now, you're going to learn the easy way to create and automate your most profitable asset:  Your Sales Letter. 

You see...

There’s only one reason businesses fail.

A lack of cash flow.

In fact, according to Business Insider, 82% of businesses fail because they “experience cash flow problems.”

Which is entrepreneurial speak for, “I wasn’t making enough money.” .

Take a look:

You’ll also want to note that 29% of business owners actually run out of cash.

This means their “business” has become a liability and not an asset.

Instead of putting money in their pocket, their business sucks the money out of their pocket, so they’re forced to close up shop.

The key to remember here is that it’s not an audience problem.

Nor is it a product problem.

Or even an engagement problem...

Businesses Struggling with Cash Flow

Have A Conversion Problem

When businesses don’t have enough cash flow... not enough people are clicking the buy button and completing the checkout process.

This happens because most entrepreneurs focus all their attention and energy on growing their audience or creating great products... 

Which is useful to a point...

But it doesn't make the cash register ring …

That’s a problem, because conversions are the most critical piece of the puzzle for your business.

And here's where most get it 100% wrong...

Why Conversions Fail

Conversions fail for a couple of reasons...

Reason #1: “Selling” has become a bad word.

There are a lot of hype-based sales approaches out there making over-the-top (but bad) claims...

Many entrepreneurs don’t want to get lumped into that category... and look like a pushy salesperson who’s trying to make a quick buck off someone’s naivety.

But here’s the thing...

If you create a product that provides real value for your audience, you’re HELPING them.

Which is why selling is not an annoyance... It’s doing your prospects a SERVICE!

But you need to communicate your solution to them, so they can find the help they’re looking for.

And the best way to accomplish that is with a well-written sales letter.

Reason #2: The sales letter isn’t closing the sale.

You might struggle with sales letters because:

  • You find writing sales copy to be daunting.
  • The complexity of a multi-page sales letter intimidates you.
  • You feel like you have to go into 'hype mode' to write it.
  • Or maybe you’ve just used up all your creative energy on your content marketing, creating an information product, or dealing with all the tech.

The problem is that without a sales letter that converts, you won't make sales... and if that trend continues, you’ll have to give up on your entrepreneurial dreams.

Which is why a sales letter that converts is critical for your business...

It creates the customers and cash flow your business needs to thrive.

However, writing sales letters sucks.

My Love-Hate Relationship

With Sales Letters

I started off by writing dozens of sales letters that didn't work very well.

You see...

My wife and I have been releasing a new audio meditation every 2 weeks for nearly 10 years...

Almost all of those got a handwritten sales letter...

In the beginning, we would make a few sales, but nothing ever created consistent and reliable cash flow.

In fact, once I simply added a “buy” button inside of a blog post that was driving a bunch of traffic...

I figured there was so much traffic there, clearly some of them would want to buy something…


That was when I realized I had a conversion problem, so...

I Became Obsessed with Learning

How to Write High-Converting Sales Letters

After concluding that my “wing it” approach to writing sales letters wasn’t working, I became determined to improve …

So, I read all the books by the copywriting masters.

I took dozens of copywriting courses and seminars...

I even hand-copied old sales letters from the 1940s - 1960s!  

And of course, I continued to practice by writing more sales letters …

However, while my sales letters definitely got better over time, they still weren’t converting at pro levels.

But, like I said, I was obsessed so...

I Went on a Deep-Dive Mission

To Analyze Hundreds of Sales Letters

That Were Totally Crushing It!

As I poured over high-converting sales letters from the 40s, 50s, 60s, all the way up ‘til today … I looked for similarities.

And one thing quickly became clear to me...

Although technology may have changed, human nature hasn’t!

Which is why all high-converting sales letters contain 9 critical Conversion Components...

When written out in a specific order, these Conversion Components take what scientists have learned over the years about buying psychology...

And use that information to systematically overcome prospects’ skepticism... while fueling their desire to buy!

Which is why once you learn how to use these components...

You can dramatically increase conversion rates and improve cash flow.

As you can probably imagine, my copywriting got way better after I made that discovery ... and our sales became more consistent and reliable.

Even better, I was able to sell to more than just my email list... by this point, I could finally run paid advertising to drive traffic to my sales letters and they still converted...

That’s the moment that everything changed...

So much so, that FINALLY...

We Experienced Our First $10K Day …

From a Written Sales Letter!

After struggling for so long with @#% sales letters, I started liking them a whole lot more...

Once I began waking up to hundreds of dollars in sales by the time I sat down for a cup of coffee!

And it was all because of the $10K/day sales letter.

More importantly, not only did that sales letter bring in $10k for us the day it  launched, but it also continued to convert for months after... profitably bringing in hundreds of new customers from paid ads.

Even better, I was already working on my NEXT sales letter … and the previous sales letter was still bringing in new sales every day!

That's when the real power of Automated Income hit me...

With the Right Sales Letter, You Can Automatically Generate Cash Flow

For Your Business … Around the Clock!

And not just a little extra cash either...

Because once you develop the skills to write a good sales letter, you can craft more offers and products your audience will love and sell them too.

Then you have a business creating multiple automated income streams … which is how the modern-day digital entrepreneur builds wealth faster than working a 9-to-5.

Instead of just one automated cashflow generator sales letter out there generating cash, you have two.

Then three.

And so on.

My wife and I currently have at least a dozen sales letters out there … generating over $1 million dollars a year -- automatically.

Some of them have been producing 6-figures per year for over 5 years now!

And because of the automated income from these sales letters, we have more time to spend out on the lake, gardening, camping, road-tripping in our camper van, etc.

But back to my story, because it explains …

Why I Created

The Sales Letter Template

Even after all my success, writing sales letters was still really time-consuming.

And as I wrote more and more of them, I knew there had to be a simple, repeatable process … one that could not only help me write high-converting sales letters faster, but that could also help my students and members with their sales letters.

So I called on Ted, my friend who’s been teaching writing for over 25 years.

I told him how stressed out I felt when I was staring at a blank screen … and knew I had to write an entire sales letter!

He said, “Most of my students really struggle with writing, because they try to wrap their head around the entire piece at once and it overwhelms them." 

Ted then suggested that the best way to write sales letters is to break them into bite-sized pieces …

By putting each piece into an easy-to-follow template, we could eliminate overwhelm … making it easier for me (and you!) to write sales letters better and faster. 

So that’s what we did  :)


The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template

The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template is a self-paced, online course that teaches you how to create a high-converting sales letter …


Using the exact same sales letter template that’s made me millions!


But that’s just for starters, because in the course, you’ll also …

  • Discover the 9 Conversion Components found in all high-converting sales letters … so your chances of creating a sales letter that converts like the pros -- increase EXPONENTIALLY!
  •  Get tons of expert tips (used by the world’s best copywriters) … so you know how to write in a compelling way that makes prospects eager to buy!
  •  Learn multiple ways you can repurpose your sales letter … so you get maximum mileage – and maximum financial return! – from the copy you’ve already written.

Plus, to keep the course fun, I’ve also included 50 color ads from virtually every industry to illustrate key concepts …

With so many real-world examples, you’ll have LOTS of inspiration you can use to create powerful headlines, sexy subheads, captivating bullets, and mouthwatering blurbs …

But I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet, because  …

My Time-Saving Template

Eliminates Writer’s Block & Overwhelm...

By Breaking The Writing Process Into

Easy, Manageable Steps!

To keep things super simple …

The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template includes a formatted worksheet that breaks your sales letter into small, bite-sized pieces … so writing your letter is easy, straightforward, and stress-free!

As a result, you’ll gain massive momentum …

And find it easier than ever before to FINISH this critical piece for your business!

Here’s the 3-step process you’ll use to create your sales letter:

  • Read the Lesson. In each lesson, I’ll explain one Conversion Component in detail, show you how to write captivating sales copy for that component, and provide you with lots of real-world examples from my swipe files … so you know how to SLAY each section of your letter (with crushingly good copy)!
  • Perform the Action Step. Each lesson contains an Action Step – a very small writing “to-do” that’ll take you one step closer to completing your sales letter. When you reach an Action Step, simply open the worksheet I’ve provided and read the corresponding writing prompt.
  • Answer the Prompt. The prompts on the worksheet will guide you to create your sales page one lesson at a time, from start-to-finish … so you can take advantage of all the great ideas you have while these concepts are still fresh in your head!

By the time you reach the end of the course, you’ll have a well-written, professional sales letter that you can use to attract new customers, increase sales, and improve cash flow.

And hey, speaking of cash flow -- you’ll definitely want to read every line in the next section …

The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template

Unlocks the Key to … FINANCIAL FREEDOM

Very few things can skyrocket your earning potential the way a well-written sales letter can.

I mean, think about it … whereas hardly anyone has a shot of becoming a millionaire working for someone else at a 9-to-5 job …

Sales letters have created plenty of Internet millionaires – myself included :)

Consider what Gary Halbert, one of the greatest copywriters of the 20th century, once wrote:

 “The ability to write ads and/or letters that sell is by far the most wonderful money-making skill you could acquire. If you master this skill, you should never again have to worry about money … if you can do it, I mean really do it, you can virtually write your own ticket.”

That’s why The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template has the potential to be such a huge game-changer for you.


It’s going to teach you how to write sales letters that can provide for you, your family, and your business … generating automated income for years to come.


Like I said, the million-dollar sales letter I created has produced (and is STILL producing) tons of money – ten years after I first wrote it!!!

And that’s just one sales letter … you can use the skills I teach in The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template to create unlimited automated income streams.


Which is why this course is your next best step if you want to unlock the key to financial freedom!


But first, you might be wondering …

Is The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template Right for You

It’s important to understand that The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template functions best as a workshop ... it’s not a generic, fill-in-the-blank form.  

It takes some work up front to build your sales letter out ... hence it not being 'Passive.'

So... If you're unwilling to do any work...

This is NOT for you.


If you’re ready to create unlimited automated income streams by following my simple 3-step sales letter writing process …

Then The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template is absolutely for you.

What You’ll Get With

The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template

The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template consists of 3 modules:

Module 1 - Introduction

This module gets you off to a great start by revealing the 9 essential Conversion Components and their proper sequence … so you understand not only the building blocks of the world’s best sales letters, but also how to persuasively arrange those components, so prospects WANT to buy!

Module 2 - Conversion Components

Here’s where you’ll get an in-depth look at each of the 9 Conversion Components, so you know why they’re so important to the success of your sales page … and how to do a bang-up job writing them.

Along the way, I’ll illustrate these concepts with real-world, color examples, so you can see how the pros successfully use these tactics to drive conversions … and follow their lead!

Module 3 – Repurposing Your Sales Page

Once you know how to get the biggest bang for your buck from your sales letters, the real fun begins! And that’s exactly what I’ll show you how to do in this module.

In in, you’ll learn my proven tactics for repurposing your sales page … so the copy you’ve already written works tirelessly on your behalf, netting you more customers, more sales, and yep, more cash flow!

Plus, in the course, you’ll also learn:

  • A super-scary thing I tried on my sales page that made me nervous as heck … luckily, it worked like a charm to increase conversions—and will for you too! (Lesson 12)
  • How to make your solution sound way more enticing to readers … get this right and your product sells itself. Get this wrong and no sales letter will convert. (Lesson 7)
  • Why FOMO is a marketer’s best friend and 4 strategies for taking advantage of it … so you turn way more browsers into buyers! (Lesson 10)
  • The #1 reason people don’t buy … and 3 super-successful strategies you can use to convince prospects to purchase your product. Ch-ching!  (Lesson 8)
  • An unbelievably simple tactic that helps prevent shopping cart abandonment … so you can stop missing out on lost sales and get more of your prospects to BUY! (Lesson 12)
  • The incredibly simple thing you can do to grab the attention of even your busiest prospects … so they’re super-interested in learning more about what you’re selling! (Lesson 5)
  • My #1 secret for getting customers to buy -- again and again and again  … while this tactic is unbelievably easy, it’s super-effective for massively scaling your business. (Lesson 17)
  • Where you can find awesome royalty-free images for your sales page, so you don’t waste time and money on graphics … but your page still looks like it was designed by a professional! (Lesson 13) 
  • How to establish credibility with your target audience … so people are  confident your solution will help them. Hint: this works even with cold traffic! (Lesson 6)
  • My 3 pro tips on how to make an offer your prospects can’t resist, so you sell your product for the price you want … while your prospects think they’re getting it for a steal! (Lesson 9)
  • The absolute simplest way to make a video sales letter (VSL) … so you save time and money creating content that converts! (Lesson 16)
  • A surprising thing the world’s best copywriters do to write really captivating headlines … hint: while this unusual tactic is unbelievably simple, it’ll make your headlines WAY more POWERFUL. (Lesson 5)
  • Strategies for positioning your product as “the only viable solution” … so prospects aren’t even remotely tempted to seek out your competition! (Lesson 7)
  • A nifty tactic you can use to increase average cart value. Do this simple thing and you’ll make more money you can reinvest in ads … so you can build your business even bigger. (Lesson 15)
  • The conversion killer you’ll want to avoid at all costs … and my go-to strategy for eliminating it, so prospects are primed -- and ready to buy! (Lesson 17) 
  • And much, much more!!

There are 17 lessons in all, and by the time you reach the end of the course, you’ll have built a usable sales letter that’ll attract more customers, improve cash flow, and help you scale your business!

Even better …

The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template

Will Save You a Ton of Time, So You Get Your

Business to the Next Level … Even FASTER

When I was trying to figure this stuff out, I spent 5 long years staring miserably at blank screens …

Copying old sales letters by hand …

Investing in confusing copywriting courses …

And relentlessly studying this skill …

Had I been able to bypass all those things … I would have been a millionaire 5 years sooner!

That’s why the Breakthrough Sales Letter Template is such a gamechanger …

It’s going to teach you what you need to know to write high-converting sales letters right now … 

So you can really make it in the internet marketing world THIS year … NOT in some far-off, distant future.

Plus, as you get better and better at this …

You’ll be able to crank out high-converting sales pages, one after another, that can work for you for years to come … stacking up more and more automated income streams for your business.

AND helping you avoid the #1 most dangerous challenge that all business owners face … having to close up shop due to a lack of cash flow.

That’s why The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template is worth every penny of your investment.

And that’s especially true right now …

Get The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template Today & You’ll Also Receive 6 Amazing FREE Bonuses!

(Total Value: $632)


For Just $19

That’s a 97% Discount!!!

While you can make lots of money from a high-converting sales letter …

It’s the stuff that exists around your sales letter …

Like your email list, ads, upsells, one-time-offers, and order bumps …

That can provide a massive infusion of cash to your business – doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling the amount of money your customers spend.

And because I really want that kind of success for you, I’ve decided to add 6 (yes, six!) bonuses to The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template.

These bonuses will help you get the absolute BEST results from your sales letter … so you crush your conversions, find tons of new customers, and massively increase cash flow!

1.    The Facebook Ads Quickstart 2023 Edition (Value: $97)

In the good ol' days, nailing your ad targeting was a breeze … until Apple clamped down on Facebook's data collection. Now traditional 'niche interest' audiences don’t work nearly as well, and to add insult to injury, ad costs are skyrocketing! In 2023, it's a whole new world, and if you're not adapting, you're doing the equivalent of throwing your money into a digital black hole. 

In this must-see course, you'll unlock a 2023-focused strategy that helps you adapt and thrive in the new advertising ecosystem. With expert guidance on launching dynamic campaigns and fine-tuning your Facebook retargeting, you'll discover how to craft hyper-personalized ads that soar in reach, engagement, and conversions … so you master the game-changing rules of 2023 and maximize your ad spend like a pro!

2.     Email List Growth Mastery (Value: $297)

The money is in the list … but how do you build a LARGE list of prospects, fast? I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars running tests trying to answer that question, and in this 6-part training series, I reveal ALL the key secrets that helped me build a 100K+ email subscriber list!

Discover how to create an irresistible lead magnet, develop a relationship with your audience that’s built on trust, and publish a high-converting opt-in page online – in less than 15 minutes! By the end of this course, you’ll know exactly how to grow your email list into the tens of thousands.

3.    High-Converting Opt-In Template (Value: $47)

Opt-in pages typically convert at the ho-hum rate of 5-15% … yet my opt-in pages consistently convert higher than 60%! And in this expert training, I reveal all my conversion-crushing secrets, so you effortlessly and easily attract tons of new leads!

Plus, you’ll also get my 3 highest-converting opt-in templates, including one that converts a whopping 75% of cold traffic and that’s brought me 15,000+ new leads. Just imagine how much more you could sell if you had 15K new people you could advertise to … can you say, “money in the bank”?!!

4.    The Bump Offer Swipe File (Value: $47)

If you’re not running bump offers, you’re leaving money on the table! The Bump Offer Swipe File shows you how to get that money – by including an additional offer on your checkout page that instantly increases average order value.

Plus, I’ll take you under the hood and show you how I set up my own bump offers … and convert 30-60% of my customers into buying a second product. You’ll also view a variety of bump offers from my swipe files, so you have plenty of inspiration to draw from when creating your own offer!

5.    The One-Click Upsell Template (Value: $97)

I earn an extra 6-figures every year -- just from one-click upsells! Which is why this million-dollar-generating template is amazing for improving cash flow. In it, I’ll show you how you can write a high-converting video sales letter (VSL) for your upsell page … in less than 30 minutes.

And if you don’t want to create a video upsell, no problem! You’ll also get a super-powerful text-based upsell you can use to increase sales. No matter which upsell you choose, text or video … I suggest adding this easy moneymaker to your sales funnel -- STAT!!!

6.    The Conversion Monster (Value: $47)

A well-designed page can make (or break) the success of your one-time offer (OTO). Fortunately, I’ve developed a design that works like magic … my team and I call it the MONSTER because ever since I rolled it out, my conversions have increased by a whopping 200% and sales are up more than $100,000!

In The Conversion Monster, I explain all the critical components your OTO must have … before revealing my secret OTO page design template that converts like a monster!! Get ready, because with this bad boy … your OTO conversions are about to skyrocket.

With these bonuses, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips … all the expertise, resources, templates, and tools …

To create a moneymaking, sales funnel “machine” … so you get the biggest financial return from your sales letter.

That’s why your investment in The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template today is such a no-brainer.

So, let me just remind you again of what’s included …

A Quick Recap ..

1. The Facebook Ads Quickstart 2023 Edition - $97 Value

2. Email List Growth Mastery - $297 Value

3. The High-Converting Opt-In Template - $47 Value

4. The Bump Offer Swipe File - $47 Value

5. The One-Click Upsell Template - $97 Value

6. The Conversion Monster - $47 Value

Total Value = $632

Now, the good news is …

I’m not going to ask you to pay anything remotely close to that.

I've already made millions, and I live a simple, relatively frugal life …

So, I don’t need to try to price-gouge you in an attempt to fund my “extravagant” lifestyle.

Which is why I'm going to make you a deal today...

But I do have some costs to recoup...

From the research and writing of the course...

The creation of all the bonuses...

The editing expenses to make sure everything reads well...

And paying my layout designer to put these courses neatly into our world-class learning management system.

It cost me a lot of money to create this product for you...

And for that effort, I deserve to generate a bit of cashflow.

But, I'm going to give you a really sweet deal ...

And let you save $613 off the regular purchase price!

Meaning that right now, you can …

Get The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template

AND the 6 FREE Bonuses (Total Value: $632)

For Just $19

That’s a 97% Discount!!!

And mind you, that’s money you’re gonna MORE than make back … once you write your very first sales letter using my million-dollar template.

Plus, throw in the 6 FREE bonuses, and again, you’re also going to learn how to …

  • Add 10K+ more subscribers to your email list
  • Create an opt-in page that converts 60% of cold traffic
  • Get 30-60% of your customers to buy a second product
  • Create a high-converting upsell – in less than 30 minutes
  • Increase conversions 200% with my MONSTER of an OTO design
  • Experience massive success with Facebook ads

While it’s hard to estimate the value these activities will bring to your business …

It’s probably at least $15,000 … and quite possibly, much more than that. 

Heck, even if you were only able to accomplish ONE of those bullet points, it’d be worth $2,000 minimum to your business … which would be a 10X return on the price of this course.

That’s like depositing $100 into the ATM -- and having it spit out $1,000 bucks back!

Which is why you’re getting The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template for a steal today …

Plus, you have absolutely everything to gain, and nothing to lose, because ...

Your Purchase Comes With

A 6-Month 100% Money Back Guarantee!


My industry has a bad rap because of a few shady charlatans ... these individuals try to take advantage of you with overpriced and overhyped products that simply don't work.

it's annoying to say the least...

I get it ...

Which is why I've decided to give you a really generous 6-month, no questions asked, 100% moneyback guarantee with The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template.

You might need a little time to go through the training and create your first sales letter.

You might have to create two or three sales letters to find one that really "clicks" with your audience and starts to convert sales, automatically.

That’s why I'm giving you six months...

So you have all the time you need to get through the training and implement this stuff without stress, doubt or overwhelm...

Hopefully that puts your mind at ease :)

Alright … NOW is the Time!

If you want a tool that’ll take you by the hand and teach you exactly how to create a high-converting sales letter and a kickass funnel, this is the way to do it.

But you need to act.

So, to get started, click the payment button below, enter your details, and you’ll get immediate online access to the Breakthrough Sales Letter Template and all the bonuses.

Let me break this down for you even further.

You have one of two options:

1.      Your first is to ignore this page.

Sure, you want to use the million-dollar sales letter template to increase cash flow but you’re still on the fence. So, you keep doing what you’re doing … even though you know that if you don’t master this critical skill for your business, there’s a good chance that 6 months, 1 year, 2 years from now—your financial situation will look about the same as it does right now.

2.        Your second option is to get The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template.

Find out for yourself how to create a high-converting sales letter using my proven, million-dollar template. Plus, learn how to build a huge email list, crush conversions, increase your average order value, and sell way more … so by this point next year, your business is killing it.

Risk absolutely nothing because if you try the course and all the bonuses and don’t get the results you hoped for, I’ll give you a full refund up to 6 months from today’s date—no questions asked.

For Just $19

That’s a 97% Discount!!!

Thanks for your time … I can’t wait to hear about the results you get with your new sales letter!

Miles "The Helpful Marketer" Beckler

PS Gary Halbert used to say, “You are one sales letter away from being rich,” and he should know. While he was broke, he wrote a sales letter that earned $108 million dollars a year!

While I’m not saying The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template will do that for you (although it might), I do know that it’ll take you one step closer toward the financial freedom you desire. But you have to act now, because this deal won’t be around forever...

Get the Breakthrough Sales Letter Template Now >