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Gary Halbert's Starving Crowd - The Only Advantage You Need In Business

Niche online businesses are hypercompetitive...

In order to succeed you need an advantage.

Marketing legend Gary Halbert helped me understand there's only one advantage that you need in order to succeed.

You see...

Most people think they need to find (or create) the best product… Or they need to find a magical "low competition niche"

According to Halbert, neither of those matter...

In his opinion, the one and only advantage he would ever want is "a starving crowd"

Think about it...

Having an email list of hungry buyers Is the golden goose because most people don't buy just one product, course, solution…

Ambitious folks committed to solving their problems are buying everything they can get their hands on in order to solve their problem...

This is why having a big, responsive email list opens you up to multiple streams of income!

Plus it can create a very high lifetime value per subscriber when you focus on Halbert's "starving crowd" concept.

But how do you pull this off in the digital age?

Because the truth is...

Halbert is old-school!


What does this look like today?

First… You need to understand where your starving crowd is forming so you can meet them where they are!

Ask yourself...

Where's your hungry audience spending time, looking for insights, leaders, solutions, helpful guides, content, etc.?


Here's a great visualization that shows the top 50 websites based on traffic from the visual capitalist

World's Top 50 Websites

Here are a few key insights...

Google gets almost 3X more traffic than YouTube and Nearly 5X more traffic than Facebook.

To put this in Halbert terms:

The largest starving crowd is searching Google...

This is why I recommend that you publish SEO-optimized content on your self-hosted WordPress blog because that's what ranks best in Google.

Digging into the raw data behind that infographic...

You can also see that YouTube has a 20-minute average visit duration while the rest of the top five sites only keep visitors around for 10 minutes or less.

Starving audiences are consuming content longer on YouTube than anywhere else!

Starving audiences are consuming content longer on YouTube than anywhere else!

Which is why...

For some people, YouTube is the best platform to get your ideas out…

It was easier for me to make videos in the early days vs writing and then turning my videos into blog posts with the help of writers & AI...

If you resonate with this approach, you can learn how to grow a YouTube channel fast, here.

But here's the real key...

You need to be funneling people off of these platforms onto your email list!

You need to be funneling people off of these platforms onto your email list

Because every one of these top websites has the power to shut you down if you're "all in" on their platform.

It would be foolish to put all of your eggs in their basket.

The sooner you realize that the most important asset within your business is your email list, the better.


If you're ready to step up and grow your list faster than ever before...

Study these wise words from my mentor and teacher, here.

He's the one who helped me figure all of this out...

Miles "Now It's Your Turn" Beckler

P.S. If you haven't read Gary Halbert's book "The Boron Letters" you can get it free, here.