Ready to Build Your List At Lightning Speed?

NEW Deep Dive Study Reveals the 7 Secrets to Opt-In Pages That Convert at Over 70%!

"Scale Your List in 7 Days or Less in Any Niche by Copying My Proven Opt-In Page Template That Converts 75% of Cold Traffic Into Leads!"


You've heard successful marketers say “the money’s in the list” before...

But what if you don’t have a list?

Or worse...

What if you've been trying to build your list but it's still tiny?

Then the #1 most important thing you need to build is an opt-in page that converts at least 50% of visitors to subscribers.

Because it all boils down to this:

The more people you get on your list, the more eyeballs you'll get on your offers...

And, of course...

The more eyeballs you get on your offers, the more money you make.

This is simple stuff.

Which is why 80% of your time and energy spent working on your business needs to be focused on growing your email list!

What’s So Important About Opt-In Pages?

Your opt-in page generates new leads and creates more interest for your products, services and affiliate recommendations. 

Without leads...

You shouldn't expect many sales or commissions.

Really, we could break it down to simple math.  

Most marketers would be stoked to get a 2% conversion rate on a sales page.  

1% conversion rates are even closer to the average.

But, let's use the generous 2% conversion rate number for a 'best case scenario' example.


Let's say you have a list of 500 email subscribers, and 2% of them buy your $17 product...

This means you'll generate 10 sales or $170 in revenue.

But what if your list was 5,000 strong?

Then, you'd literally 10x your results from the same effort!

You'd make $1700 from 100 sales...

All by sending out one offer to your list.


As your email your list more, delivering helpful value in between the offers you send, your subscribers will get to know, like and trust you, more!

Which in turn will increase your conversion rates, your sales and your commissions even more.


You could run Facebook or YouTube ads directly to your products or affiliate offers...

But then you're only getting one chance to close the sale.

And everyone knows it takes "7 touches to make a sale"

Which is why it's vitally important to grow your email list!

You can automate the follow up sequence using a simple autoresponder and you're able to 'build a relationship' with thousands of subscribers at once on auto-pilot.


Without a list of your own, your business is always at risk.

Because the platform you're reliant on for traffic could ban your account or an algorithm change could wipe out all of your traffic, overnight.

But once you have an email list, no one can take that away from you. 

So this begs the question...

"What's the fastest way to grow your list?"

The Trick to High-Converting Opt-In Pages

With the 'drag and drop' tools available today, building any-old opt-in page is simple...

But crafting a high-converting opt-in page is not easy! 

Especially if you don’t have YEARS of internet marketing and copywriting experience to draw on.


The overpriced all-in-one funnel builders make the job even harder.

Here's why...

In order to sell you a $147/mo funnel builder (which you don't need, btw) they fill up their template library with dozens of "beautiful" templates...

The goal of their templates?

To sell you a $147/mo funnel builder!

They aren't designed to convert your traffic into leads... They're designed to convert you into a customer.

How do I know?

I've tested them!

You see...

Over the last several years my team and I have done a deep dive research study on over 1000 opt-in pages...

We've dug into the core conversion components behind the best converting opt in pages for coaches, affiliate marketers, course creators, authors, influencers and more.

Then, I dug in and put what we learned into practice.

To date, I've personally conducted over 500 scientifically significant split tests to continually optimize my conversion rates based on the data we collected from our deep dive study.


These tests have spanned a wide variety of niche is from B2B and marketing niches to hobby and lifestyle niches like spirituality, quilting, travel, fitness, dating, finance & more.

This process of split testing is how I was able to increase my first opt-in page's conversion rate from 18% to more than 60%!

Here's the best part...

Time and time again, we've proven that simple opt-in pages that focus in on 7 simple conversion components consistently out-perform their 'fancy' funnel-guru style pages.


You can build these out on any simple page builder whether you're using WordPress or LeadPages, etc.

It proves that the "KISS" method (Keep It Simple Smarty) works!

And today...

You can get in on the secret to creating your own high-converting opt-in pages based on my personal template...

The Opt-In Template Book (A $97 Value)

Save 90+% And Get The Opt In Template For Just $9 Today!

YES! Send Me The Opt-In Template Book, Now!


What if you buy the Opt-in Page Template book and these templates don't work for you?

No worries...

I'm extending you a full 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee to make sure you have zero risks.

This will give you enough time to learn the 7 secrets behind the highest converting landing pages as explained in the ebook.

Plus it'll give you time to copy the 3 separate templates found in the book and set them up to start driving leads to grow your list, fast.

And, of course...

It'll give you the time you need to drive traffic, too.

No rush...

No worries!

Order now and your purchase is backed by my "no questions asked" money back guarantee.

If you don't love the templates...

Or if they don't work for you for any reason.

Simply email and request your refund within 60 days, and we'll sort you out.

No questions asked!

You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Plus, Act Now And Get These 3 Additional Bonuses For FREE!


Converting more traffic into leads and email list subscribers is the #1 most important thing holding you back from scaling your list, fast.


You also need the right lead magnet that'll attract buyers, not tire kickers.

And what if you're a visual learner who'd prefer to follow along through detailed videos where I show you every step in real time?

This is why you'll also get the...


The Email List Growth Mastery Course (a $197 Value)

This 5-part video training walks you through the process of planning, outlining and creating your irresistible lead magnet...

Then it shows you step-by-step how to set up your opt-in page, covering the tech side with a focus on keeping it simple for you.

Finally, you'll get to follow along in real-time while I build a high-converting opt-in page in just 15 minutes.

If you've ever gotten stuck implementing what you learn...

Whether you didn't know what tech or tools to use...

Or whether you just didn't understand what to do in the right order...

This course is for you!

It's got everything you need to follow along step-by-step in simple videos to make sure you implement what you're learning.


The Autoresponder Template (a $47 Value)

After a visitor enters their email on your opt-in page, you need to have an automated follow up sequence that will help you build trust and close more sales.

For many marketers, writing a full email autoresponder series can take several days...


How do you know what to say in your follow-up emails?

Should you promote your products right away?

Is there a formula for getting new subscribers to know, like and trust you via email?

How do you maximize sales from your autoresponder?

This is precisely why you'll also get access to my proven autoresponder template that you can rely on to get you into motion, fast

So you can simply copy and paste these template emails into your email system and fill in the templates based on your niche, your story and your offers!

Now, you'll be able to get your entire autoresponder created in an afternoon...

Instead of wasting days or weeks trying to write it all from scratch!


The Million-Dollar Copywriting Course (a $197 Value)

It's no secret that copywriting is the #1 most valuable skill for internet marketers, course creators, affiliates and email marketers.

Your ability to quickly and easily write words that persuade your audience and compel them to action will result in you making heaps more money.

And, it's worth noting...

That the templates you are getting access to here, today are a great 'head start' on helping you craft copy that converts, right away.

But the truth remains...

You still need to build the skill of copywriting in order to support your long-term success.

This is why you're also getting access to the Million Dollar Copywriting Course for free, too!

Because you need to improve your copywriting skills, asap.

Now, this course is special because it's my copywriting teacher teaching you his process that he taught me many years ago.

I've used this process to generate millions of dollars online, personally.

That's in addition to the millions he's made and he's helped thousands of students like you and I to go from average or novice copywriter to pro in the shortest time possible.

The course contains 6 video lessons that will help you maximize your conversions with the templates you're getting here today...

Plus it'll set you up to write more profitable emails, sales letters and lead magnets forever after you simply press play and watch the lessons!

To recap, order today and you'll get...

  • The Opt-In Template book (a $97 Value)
  • The Email List Growth Mastery Course (a $197 Value)
  • The Autoresponder Template (a $47 Value)
  • The Million-Dollar Copywriting Course (a $197 Value)
  • The "No Questions Asked" 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • A Total Value Of $538! For just $9!

P.S. Are you curious what students like you have to say about Miles' opt-in page templates, email marketing trainings & copywriting training?

Miles single-handedly increased my business revenue by 75% and my sales jumped an extra $100k. Before Miles' help in 2020, I gained 39,795 subscribers. After Miles' framework in 2021, I gained a whopping 131,945 subscribers! That's a 300% increase in email subscribers!

- Matt Giovanisci

Miles, with your help, we've been able to grow our list by over 1200 - 1500+ subscribers each month consistently (on both of our brands). Prior to that, we were only getting ~500 subs on a good month. We also implemented your one-time-offer strategy, and after a few optimizations, they convert at 2-3% and bring in 20-40 new customers each month.

- The White Coat Trainer

Miles, thanks to your conversion help, we are now growing our email list by about 2k new leads each month and are currently at a 1.7% rate on our OTO and a 47% conversion rate on our one-click upsell. This one funnel has made everything else easier and more fun!

- Josh L.

Miles, with your help, I've now been able to grow my list to over 21,000 subscribers and counting. Using your ATM model and adding a high-converting OTO immediately after optin and making offers steadily throughout the year to my list sprinkled in with lots of value has been a financial game changer, and I'll never have a boss again. Your honesty and clarity routinely demystify the path to online success. Thank you!

- Nicole H.

Miles, thanks for all your help... With the help of some fundamental concepts and granular tactics, you taught me... I've grown my email list to 30k with over 40% open rates. You deliver the goods without the fluff, and I appreciate you for it.

- Stephen H.

Miles, with your invaluable help, I completely transformed my business! I more than doubled my income and significantly decreased my workload the first year I implemented your system. Everything became more streamlined, automated, and largely residual-based, thanks to you!!!

- Bridget N.