Hey there, it's Miles Beckler!
You've probably come across the phrase "the money's in the list" countless times.
It's a common catch-phrase in the online marketing world.
But what if you find yourself in a different position?
What if you don't have a list to begin with?
Or even worse...
what if you've been putting in the effort to build your list, but it's still frustratingly tiny?
Then the FIRST thing you need to do is to create an opt-in page that converts at least 50% of visitors to subscribers.
Because it all boils down to this:
The more eyeballs you get on your offers, the more money you make.
Which is why for over a decade I’ve invested 90% of my advertising into list building!
What’s So Important About Opt-In Pages?
Opt-in pages generate leads for sales. Without leads...no sales.
Really, we could break it down to simple math.
Most marketers would be content with a 2% conversion rate on a sales page.
So if you have a list of 1000 people, and 20 people buy a product for $10, you make $200.
But what if your list was 10,000 people?
Then, that same conversion rate would generate $2000!
And, (more significantly), these days people are rightfully wary of buying internet crap that doesn’t work. In fact, research shows that it takes the average person over 90 days to decide to buy a product.
They need time to get to know, like and trust you. And how will you develop that relationship if you don’t have a way to communicate with them?
You need something THAT YOU OWN where you can bring people into your world...show them what you stand for...so they trust you.
You can certainly run Facebook or YouTube ads...but you don’t own those platforms. Facebook and YouTube could shut you down in a split second. A Google algorithm shift could drop your traffic.
But once you have an email list...it’s yours.
And you can build those relationships by providing REAL VALUE over time. And these leads often become customers for life!
So, once you’ve demonstrated that you’re not a scammer and genuinely want to help, you can begin making offers.
But you need a way to build the relationships!
Building an opt-in page is relatively simple... but not easy!
Especially if you don’t have YEARS of internet marketing experience to draw on.
And greedy gurus make it more difficult.
They preach list building, but then take off to pose in front of their yachts and don’t actually explain HOW to do it well.
So “get rich quick” people throw together a bunch of garbage opt-in pages that litter the internet.
So how do you tell which ones work and why?
I’ve created a new resource that’s going to really help grow your audience and increase your sales!
You see, recently I was reviewing some of my opt-in and sales pages. I wanted to see what was working and what needed tweaking. So I sorted them by conversion rate…
And noticed something.
My top 5 opt-in pages were converting at an average of 61.3%!!
(In fact, my top opt-in page has over 20,000 visits and generated over 15,317 leads...that’s a conversion rate of 76%!)
The more leads I brought in, the more money I made.
I understood this basic concept years ago…
But I didn’t know exactly HOW to do it,
So this realization made me go “All In” on my opt-in pages…
For years I dug through the internet archives of opt-in pages from the smartest marketing minds…
I would hand write them out and analyze the best ideas to come up with split tests for my own opt-in pages.
And I’d think for hours about them...
What separated the winners from the losers?
Why did some tests convert 25% when others converted 75%+?
That 3x difference in conversion rates meant my cost per lead from Facebook ads was 67% cheaper!
And my list grew 3x better.
This realization pushed me to study harder and test more.
Then I noticed the patterns.
I was on to something!
Like NEO in the matrix I started to see the truth behind the most successful opt-in pages in the world.
I optimized them like a mad man…
And eventually reached these crazy 76% conversion rate numbers!
So my recent “opt-in analytics review” is the culmination of years of study and practice...
And now I’m here to reveal these profitable opt-in page patterns to you...
This 40+ page PDF:
This recipe book is really unique because it contains MUCH more than other template offers out there.
First, based on my deep dive study, I model only HIGH CONVERTING Opt-In pages!
Plus, other templates don’t offer any explanation.
I share over 10 years of internet marketing experience by explaining what each part does and WHY IT WORKS!
Also, this recipe book gives you REAL LIFE examples so you can see THEORY put into PRACTICE!
Finally, at the end of the book, I put in a blank template for you (with a list of the opt-in components) so that you have a visual reminder of the ingredients and you can mix and match to create your own effective recipe!
This is the only resource you will ever need to build Opt-In pages that CONVERT!
So are you ready to grow that list?
The sooner you start, the more eyeballs you can get on your offers...and the greater chance of you making sales.
And since I’m a big believer in making things affordable, I’m offering this TODAY for only $14!
I’m only doing this for a week because I think it’s worth a lot more than that!
And while I like to build my list, I also like to test price points.
So over the next several weeks I’m going to keep raising the price to find the optimal conversion rate.
And you can be sure that this price is the lowest it will be!
As always, there’s no risk...
This template book is backed by my unconditional 60 day guarantee. If you are still struggling creating opt-in pages, simply email my support team at [email protected] and you will get your money back no questions asked.
But I am confident that this book will guide you, step-by-step, to creating opt-in pages that convert!
So click the red button below now and grow your list!
Miles “List Builder” Beckler
P.S. Gotta say, I’m pretty excited about this project...I solidified a lot of my own thinking and was able to create something that I KNOW will be a great asset for my audience.
So I’m already working on the next one…
Get working on this now so you’re ready for the next step!
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