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The fax machine blues

In 1998, Nobel prize-winning economist said the Internet's effect on the world economy would be "no greater than the fax machine's"

Sometimes, smart people have epically bad takes...

Doesn't seem like things have changed all that much, today...

There are still a ton of folks who are in denial about how impactful AI technology will be for digital creators.

in denial AI technology

These folks may all end up with a case of the fax machine blues, here soon!
But not you...

You're moving forward with eyes wide open!

Like Wayne Gretzky, you're skating to where the puck is going...

Instead of being romantic about how it was.


This is why I've been all in on testing, sharing and leveraging AI tools for over 2 years now!

But in the last few months, there's been an explosion of new tools and tech that's just mind-blowing.

The 'chat' revolution is no-joke...

Chatting with AI is a lot like brainstorming with a group of smart marketers in a conference room with a whiteboard and a dozen bagles...

But 100x cheaper!

If you haven't tried it yet, here's a free tool you can use to test it out.

Getting help with YouTube titles, email subject lines, naming products, social posts, headlines for opt in pages, facebook ads, etc...

The ways this can help you grow your business is endless!

It's brilliant to have such a well-read brainstorming partner when you get stuck or feel like you're writing flat copy...

AI can add that sizzle to your copy that'll boost clicks & conversions!

And then there's the long-copy blog posts and SEO optimization potential...

This is the real game-changer.

But, as you start generating tens-of-thousands of words with, the fees can really stack up.

That is, until now.

Because there's a limited-time chance to get a lifetime account and lock in any number of words/month for a one-time fee, here.

Personally, I like to think of 1 post as 2500 words...

So if you think you'll publish 30 posts per month, that's 75,000 words/mo.


When you realize that you can crank out a great outline and a damn-near publish-ready long-form blog post in minutes...

Like this "KWFinder vs. Semrush" post I created with that tool over a cup of coffee this morning...

You may decide that you want more words/mo from the lifetime deal.


On that post above I left it 'raw' for you to see...

Meaning, I did the absolute bare minimum copy-editing...

Mainly, I just broke up the big blocks of text to make smaller sentences and added my affiliate links.

This was to show you output from the AI...

Plus, it's a 'bare-minimum effort' test to see if/how this thing ranks on Google after a few days.

That said...

I did run the output through copyscape to make sure it isn't duplicate content.

There was 1 sentence that came up as duplicate with another website, so I edited that one sentence.

But, that's about it!

I didn't run it through any 'ai content checkers' at all...

With long-form content, I don't really care.

All I care about is whether this new post ranks on Google or not.

And, on that note...

It's important for you to SEO-optimize your content from this tool!

Because, when I run the post through my AI Optimization Tool you can see that it does need further optimization...

"But. Miles..."

I can hear you thinking...

"Doesn't that SEO Optimization tool have an AI writer, already?"

Yes... but there are 2 problems with their AI writer.

First, the content it outputs doesn't read nearly as well as what you get from this tool.

My wife and I both have tested this extensively, now.

Because the readability and quality of content is super-important when using AI.


You have to pay $420 per year for more than 4,000 words/mo with the seo tool...

Whereas you could pay $449 today for the lifetime Professional LTD plan and you'd get 100,000 words per month, for life.

That's over 1 million words per year you could publish with the help of AI for one flat fee!!!

Not to mention you get 1000 AI Chats (this is what I use for titles, descriptions, subject lines, ads, etc) per month, too...

The best solution?

Leverage both tools (just skip the $35/mo pro add-on from the SEO tool) and let them each do what they're best at.

Because "all-in-one" tools never outperform a marketing stack of specialized tools...

Ok, that's the update for today.

It's time to get cracking!

Miles "AI Commander" Beckler